Poster presentation

We thank all poster presenters for their co-operation, which will render this great poster presentation possible.
About 150 posters will be shown on nine topics.

Several "poster moderators" will introduce the posters. This will take place in the conference hall the first two days
(Monday and Tuesday) in several sessions between the oral presentations.


The following are the sessions:
poster introduction 1: Fundamentals (Prof. Jekel/ Prof. Geißen)
poster introduction 2: Fenton/Electro-Fenton and Electro-Oxidation (Dr. Mansilla/ Prof. Graham)
poster introduction 3: Catalysts and Photocatalysis (Prof. Bahnemann/ Prof. Alfano)
poster introduction 4: PPCP/EDC and Disinfection (Dr. Ternes)
poster introduction 5: Ozone/AOP/Water/Wastewater and Sludge (Prof. Lu/ Mr. Liechti)


Furthermore the poster will be presented to interested people during the breaks according to the following procedure:
The presenters of contributions with even numbers (paper code) will show their posters during coffee breaks in the afternoon,
the posters with odd numbers will be presented in the morning coffee breaks. During lunch breaks the presentations are not defined.


A recommendation for presenters who will show more than one poster:
If you have one even and one odd paper code you will be able to present all your posters at different times - irrespective of the topic.
If you have two posters with the same order (even/odd) in the same topic we will do our best to arrange the posters close to each other.
If this is the case for different topics you can stay by one poster first and the other poster will get a note with an envelope where
interested viewers can put in their business card - or they can ask at the conference desk for a meeting with you.
After half the break you can change to the second poster and the first poster will get the note with the envelope.
Otherwise you could ask a co-author who will be present to assist.


Typically all presenters should bring their poster with them, powerstrips will be available. Only in exceptional cases
(if you have transport problems, for instance) there is the possibility of sending your poster to the following address until March 20th:


Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven-Uwe Geissen
Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Technischen Umweltschutz FG Umweltverfahrenstechnik
Sekr. KF 2
Straße des 17.Juni 135
D-10623 Berlin, Germany


In case of questions you can call the secretariat there: +49-30-314 25086.



Concerning poster preparation the presenter will find recommendations here...

Please note that the poster must not be larger than DIN A0 ((841 mm x 1189 mm), (breadth x height)).


The poster list, divided into the nine topics, is shown below.

1. Fundamentals


PC 52 Kinetic study of wet oxidation applied to a real liquid waste,
G. Bertanza, Università di Brescia, Italy


PC 55 Arsenic oxidation by UV radiation combined with hydrogen peroxide,
S. Sorlini, University of Brescia, Italy


PC 94 Ozone-activated carbon mineralization of 17-α-ethynylestradiol aqueous solutions,
F. J. Beltrán, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain


PC 95 Mineralization of ranitidine by ozone in water,
F. J. Beltrán, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain


PC 113 Degradation of a mixture of pollutants in water using UV/H2O2 process,
C. Zalazar, INTEC (UNL-CONICET), Argentina


PC 121 Degradation of Sulfamethoxazole by Photocatalysis and Ozonation,
J. Gimenez, University of Barcelona, Spain


PC 134 Decolorization and mineralization of azo dyes by CWAO and WAO: influence of the azo structure,
M. Mestanza, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain


PC 146 MnO2 catalyzed oxidation of aqueous phenol with peracetic acid in the presence of ultrasound,
E. Rokhina, University of Kuopio, Finland


PC 152 Degradation of azo dye Reactive Black B using an immobilized iron oxide in a batch photo-fluidized bed reactor,
C. H. Ho, National Chen Kung University,Taiwan, R.o.C.


PC 166 A Submerged Non-woven Membrane/Photocatalytic Reactor System For Removal of NP-9 in Water,
L. C. Chung, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, R.o.C.


PC 173 Ozonation of ampicillin and toxicological assessment of its oxidation by-products,
Y. J. Jung, Yonsei University at Wonju campus, YIEST, South Korea


PC 177 Integrated Ultrasound/heterogeneous Fenton process for the decolorization of Crystal Violet in aqueous solution,
H. Zhang, Wuhan University, China


PC 180 An alternative approach to modeling the UV/H2O2 process,
N. Novak, Tekstina d. d. Ajdovscina, Slovenia


PC 185 Enhancement in mineralization of a number of natural refractory organic compounds by ultrasonic in conjunction with ozonation: (US/O3),
M. Cui, Korea University, South Korea


PC 186 PC 186 Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on Sonochemical Degradation of Phenol,
M. Lim, Korea University, South Korea


PC 187 Performance of a Large-Scale Sonoreactor for the Removal of Organic Pollutants in Aqueous Phase,
Y. Son, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, South Korea


PC 188 Degradation of Chlorpyriphos in Water by Advanced Oxidation Processes,
R. Murillo, University of Zaragoza, Spain


PC 193 Properties of Hydroperoxyl/Superoxide Anion Radical (HO2/O2-•) Formed in the Aqueous TiO2 Photocatalysis,
B. G., Kwon, Seoul National University, South Korea


PC 197 Degradation of Metronidazole by Ozonation Process,
I. C. Telles Silveira, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul- PUCRS, Brazil


PC 199 A complete kinetic model of Ozone decomposition in aqueous solutions as a function of pH under acidic to neutral conditions,
M. E. Lovato, INTEC, UNL - CONICET, Argentina


PC 201 OH-Radical Yield in the Peroxone Process (H2O2 + O3),
A. Jarocki, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany


PC 208 Chloroform degradation by advanced oxidation processes with O3, H2O2, TiO2 and radiation,
N. Miguel, University of Zaragoza, Spain


PC 209 The hybrid process TiO2/PAC - removal efficiency and stability of membrane filtration,
M. Ziegmann, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany


PC 216 Decolourization and modelling of synthetic waste-water by O3 and H2O2/O3 process,
M. Bauman, EM.TRONIC d.o.o., Slovenia


PC 223 Ozonation of Lignin Aqueous Solutions,
I. Kamenev, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia


PC 226 Degradation of chlorinated organic pollutants by a heterogeneous sono-Fenton process,
R. Molina, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain


PC 232 MnO2 precipitation on lignite carbon by Mn(II) ozone oxidation,
R. Contreras Bustos, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico en Electroquímica S. C., México


PC 240 Visible Light Driven Photocatalytic Degradation of Bisphenol,
A. Z. Frontistis, Technical University of Crete, Greece


PC 251 Degradation of Naphthalene using a Novel Liquid/Solid-Ozone (LSO) System,
N. M. Grima, University of Bradford, United Kingdom


PC 254 Carbonate and chloride scavenging in H2O2/S2O82-/Fe2+ oxidation of PCE,
L. R. Bennedsen, Aalborg University, Denmark


PC 255 Modeling of contaminated soil treatment by ozone: simulation and experimental approach,
P. Guerra Blanco, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico


PC 272 Enhanced bio-recalcitrant organics removal by combined adsorption and ozonation,
T. Merle, LISBP UMR INSA/CNRS 5504 & UMR INSA/INRA 792, France


PC280 Inhibition of Triplet-Induced Oxidation Reactions by Different Types of Dissolved Organic Matter,
J. Wenk, Eawag, Switzerland


2. Fenton/Electro-Fenton


PC 21 Complexing agent and heavy metal removals from metal plating effluent by the Electro-Fenton process,
I. Arslan-Alaton, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey


PC 26 A study on the Fenton Treatment Efficacy for the Purification of Different Kind of Wastewater,
M. Trapido, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia


PC 29 Catalytic Degradation of Picric Acid by Heterogeneous Fenton-based Processes,
N., Kulik, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia


PC 31 Electrochemically assisted Fenton method using Fe2+/HOCl system,
N. Kishimoto, Ryukoku University, Japan


PC 37 Treatment of TCE/PCE contaminated groundwater using Fenton-like oxidation activated with basic oxygen furnace slag,
T. T. Tsai, National Sun Yat-Sen University,Taiwan, R.o.C


PC 43 Degradation of Organic Dyes Using Zero-Valent Iron Prepared from By-product of Pickling Line,
S. C.,Jung, Sunchon National University, South Korea


PC 57 Degradation of ClO4- by Zero-Valent Iron in the Combined Reaction with UV/Sonication,
K. D. Zoh, Seoul National University, South Korea


PC 79 Oxidation of cyanide by Fenton-like process using magnetite nano particles in plating wastewater,
H. Lee, Hanyang University, South Korea


PC 118 The Heterogeneous Photo Fenton Reaction using Goethite as Catalyst,
O. M. Alfano, INTEC, Universidad Nacional del Litoral and CONICET, Argentina


PC 122 Sulfamethoxazole pre-treatment by AOPs: Comparison of biorecalcitrance in batch tests,
M. Esplugas González, University of Barcelona, Spain


PC 135 Support screening for heterogeneous Fenton in the degradation of mono azo dye contaminated wastewaters,
J. L., Sotelo Sancho, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain


PC 159 Factorial design for photo-Fenton treatment of highly methomyl-concentrated polluted water,
M. M. Micó, University of Barcelona, Spain


PC 168 Effect of initial Fe oxidation state on Imidacloprid removal using photo-Fenton process,
C. Zaror, University of Concepción, Chile


PC 174 Innovative water treatment system coupled with energy production using photo-Fenton reaction,
M. Tokumura, Toyo University, Japan


PC 175 Study on Kinetics of Decomposition and Absorbance Transformation in Fenton-like Process,
Y. Gao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


PC 176 Oxidative and physical removal of COD from landfill leachate by electro-Fenton method,
H. Zhang, Wuhan University, China


PC 194 Fenton Pretreatment in the Catalytic Wet Oxidation of Phenol,
S. Rodriguez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain


PC 202 Remediation using In situ oxidation: Soil modification by the Fenton Reagent,
F. Vicente Iglesias, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain


PC 213 Modelling and Experimental Verification of a Solar Reactor for the Photo-Fenton Treatment,
O. M. Alfano, INTEC, Universidad Nacional del Litoral and CONICET, Argentina


PC 229 The role of pressure and temperature in phenol oxidation by Fenton Reagent,
J. A. Zazo Martínez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain


PC 231 Use of Fenton for the remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated site,
D. A. Rodriguez López, PPGTA - UNISC, Brazil



3. Electro-Oxidation


PC 103 Studies on process parameters for chlorine dioxide production using IrO2 anode in an un-divided electrochemical cell,
I. S. Moon, Suncheon National University, South Korea


PC 117 Industrial E-AOP Application Using Boron Doped Diamond Electrodes,
R. M. Serikawa, Ebara Research Co. Ltd., Japan


PC 124 Photo-assisted electrochemical degradation of commercial solutions of the herbicide Atrazine,
G. R. Pointer Malpass, Universidade Federal DO ABC, Brazil


PC 125 Photo-assisted electrochemical degradation of real textile wastewater,
G. R. Pointer Malpass, Universidade Federal DO ABC, Brazil


PC 130 Metoprolol behaviour in drinking water electrolysis using mixed oxide and boron doped diamond anodes,
H. Bergmann, Anhalt University, Germany


PC 171 Anodic electrochemical oxidation of azo dye on boron doped diamond electrodes,
L. Bousselmi, Centre de Recherches et des Technologies des Eaux, Tunisia


PC 214 Electrochemical oxidation of landfill leachates at pilot plant scale. Evaluation of energy needs,
A. Anglada Martínez, University of Cantabria, Spain


PC 227 Treatment of Tannery Effluent by Photoelectrooxidation Process,
A. Moura Bernardes, UFRGS Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Escola de Engenharia, Brazil


PC 245 Anodic Oxidation of Olive Mill Wastewaters on BDD electrodes,
E. Chatzisymeon, Technical University of Crete, Greece


PC 247 Photoelectrocatalytic activity of prepared TiO2/Ti electrodes by anodization,
L. Bousselmi, Centre de Recherches et des Technologies des Eaux, Tunisia


PC 277 Electrochemical degradation of PAH compounds in process water: A kinetic study on model solutions and a proof of concept study on process water from harbour sediment purification,
J. Muff, Aalborg University, Denmark


PC278 Catalytic in-situ generation of hydrogen peroxide by Pd-supported catalysts and its application in the removal of pollutants by means of Fenton Process,
S. Contreras Iglesias, University of Rovira i Virgili, Spain


4. Catalysts


PC 49 CWPO of 4-CPhOH and industrial wastewater with Al-Fe pillared clays,
C. B. Molina Caballero Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain


PC 56 Preparation of Visible Light Sensitive S-doped TiO2 Nanotube Site-selectively Loaded With Co-catalysts,
T. Ohno, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan


PC 75 Enhancement of Detoxification in CWO processes by Using H2O2 as Promoter,
A. Quintanilla, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain


PC 127 Selectivity of Hydrogen Peroxide decomposition towards hydroxyl radicals in the CWPO over Fe/AC catalysts,
J. A. Casas de Pedro, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain


PC 154 A novel manganese-catalyst based advanced oxidation process,
J. W. de Boer, Rahu Catalytics,Netherlands


PC 169 Heterogeneous Catalytic Ozonation of Cationic Dyes using Volcanic Sand,
H. Valdés Morales, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile


PC 189 The decomposition of humic substances by ozone and synthetic magnetic catalyst,
B. N, Chang, Taiwan, R.o.C.


PC 218 Catalytic wet hydrogen peroxide oxidation of a petrochemical wastewater,
I. Pariente, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain


PC 225 Oxidation and Immobilization of Iron and Manganese by a Fluidized Bed Reactor,
Y. H. Huang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, R.o.C


PC 270 Immobilization of TiO2 for combined photocatalytic-biological dye degradation,
M. Jonstrup, Lund University, Sweden


5. Photocatalysis


PC 44 The Microwave-assisted Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Dyes,
S. C. Jung, Sunchon National University, South Korea


PC 48 Photocatalytic removal of geosmin and MIB for drinking water treatment,
H. Tran, University of Newcastle, Australia


PC 63 Preparation for Titania Photocatalyst Film by Oxygen Plasma and Rapid Thermal Annealing,
J. W. Jang, Hanyang University, South Korea


PC 66 Atomic layer deposited (ALD) Ti02 and Ti02-x-Nx thin filn photocatalysts in salicylic acid decomposition,
S. Vilhunen, University of Kuopio, Finland


PC 74 Solar photocatalytic disinfection with immobilised TiO2 at pilot-plant scale,
R. van Grieken, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain


PC 78 Shape-controlled anatase TiO2 particles prepared by hydrothermal treatment in the presence of hydrophilic polymer,
N. Murakami, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan


PC 110 Response surface methodological approach for the assessment of the photocatalytic degradation of NOM,
M. Bekbölet, Bogazici University, Turkey


PC 111 Reducing potential health risks from drinking water by photocatalysis: Effect of copper ions on NOM removal,
C. S. Uyguner, Bogazici University, Turkey


PC 148 Photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue by TiO2 - coated polypropylene granules irradiated by sunlight,
D. S. Rhee, Kangwon National University, South Korea


PC 172 Nanocrystalline TiO2 film on fibrous substrates as an efficient photocatalytic material for organics removal in water,
G. Mascolo, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy



6. Disinfection


PC 40 Application of the electro-sedimentations in cleaning drinking water,
I. Normatov, Academy of Sciences, Republic of Tajikistan


PC 72 Photocatalytic inactivation of E. faecalis in secondary wastewater plant effluents,
R. van Grieken, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain



PC 131 Microbiological Contamination. Treatment with Isolate and Combined Disinfection Agents: UVC, H2O2 and UVC/H2O2,
M. D. Labas, INTEC (UNL-CONICET), Argentina


PC 207 Advanced Disinfection with UV/VIS, TiO2 and H2O2 for Clostridium perfringens and Enterococcus removal,
M. Lanao Maldonado, University of Zaragoza, Spain


PC 212 Electrochemical disinfection of secondary wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent,
A. M. Urtiaga Mendia, University of Cantabria, Spain


PC 233 Decomposition of Gas-phase Trichloroethene by Advanced Oxidation Processes within Hg-coated Photoreactors,
Y. S. Shen, Da-Yeh University,Taiwan, R. O. C.


PC 248 Disinfection optimization by a better controlling of ozonation process,
Y. Jaeger, Immeuble Giovanni Battista B., France


7. Ozone/AOP/Water/Wastewater


PC 23 “Supercavitation” - A New Aeration Technology,
A. Schmid, Papiertechnische Stiftung, Germany


PC 27 Ozone-based reclamation of an STP effluent,
A. Rodriguez, Alcalá University, Spain


PC 42 Landfill leachates treatment by H2O2/UV, O3/H2O2, modified Fenton and modified photo-Fenton methods,
J. Naumczyk, Technical University of Warsaw, Poland


PC 45 The Impact of Groundwater Quality on the Removal of MTBE Using Advanced Oxidation Technology,
B. Tawabini, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia


PC 58 Molasses Process Wastewater Treatment by Electrocoagulation Combined with Hydrogen Peroxide,
M. Zhou, Nankai University, P. R. of China


PC 60 Enhanced removal of halogenated organics from industrial groundwater by sequential UV/H2O2 treatment and carbon adsorption,
G. Mascolo, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy


PC 67 Oxidative Elimination of Organic Contaminants from Wastewater Effluents by O3 and O3/H2O2,
M. M. Sein, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany


PC 70 Impact of UV/H2O2 pretreatment on GAC adsorption of natural organic matter,
K. Philippe, Cranfield University, United Kingdom


PC 98 Removing textile mill effluent recalcitrant COD and toxicity using AOPs,
A. H. Mounteer, Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil


PC 102 Treatment of wastewater from terephthalic acid manufacturing process by ozonation with UV, H2O2, Fe2+ in different combinations,
I. S. Moon, Suncheon National University, South Korea


PC 105 Advanced Oxidation Processes for the Removal of NOM: Design and Construction of a Treatment Rig,
C. Taylor, Curtin University of Technology, Australia


PC 126 Treatment of Slaughterhouse Wastewater - Degradation Kinetics Applying UV-Radiation or H2O2/UV,
H. F. Schröder, RWTH Aachen University, Germany


PC 140 The Influence of Reaction Conditions in the Oxidation of Organic Compounds of Nuclear Laundry Water by Ozone,
M. Vilve, University of Kuopio, Finland


PC 144 Investigations on Ozonation of Tannery Wastewater as a Post Treatment Step,
U. Bletterie, Vienna University of Technology, Austria


PC 157 Ozone-based treatment of a municipal secondary effluent,
B. Domenjoud, University of Barcelona, Spain


PC 160 Advanced oxidation processes for NOM removal from groundwater used as drinking water supply,
J. Agbaba, University of Novi Sad, Serbia


PC 161 Graywater treatment Using UV-Titanium Ball-Tower and Membrane,
M. G. Lee, Yonsei University, South Korea


PC 204 POPs degradation in surface water by using an V-UV/UV/TiO2 reactor,
K. Azrague, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway


PC 211 Photocatalytic oxidation of grey water over titanium dioxide suspensions,
M. Sánchez Pozueta, University of Cantabria, Spain


PC 221 Partial O3 and O3/UV treatment of a phenolic wastewater: effect on biodegradability and toxicity,
K. Van Eyck, Campus De Nayer, Belgium


PC 222 Enhancement of the water reuse by the application of AOP's on an industrial laundry wastewater,
P. van Aken, Campus De Nayer, Belgien


PC 238 Removal of odorous organic compounds by ozonation in adsorbed phase,
M. H. Manero, Université de Toulouse, France


PC 239 Photochemical oxidation of phenol in olefins plant effluent by UV/H2O2 and photo-Fenton process,
N. Jamshidi, National Petrochemical Company (NPC), Iran


PC 256 Combination of Ozonation and Biodegradation for Enhanced Elimination of Aqueous Chlorinated Phenols,
P. Guerra Blanco, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico


PC 258 Industrial Applications of Advanced Oxidation Technology,
M. Sörensen, a.c.k. aquaconcept GmbH, Germany


8. Sludge


PC 65 'LOTUS Project' Leading to the Recycling Society with Sewage Sludge in Japan,
K. Yoshida, Japan Institute of Wastewater Engineering Technology, Japan


PC 76 Improve Sludge Dewaterability for Sequential Ozonation - Aerobic Treatment,
F. Al Momani, Mutah University, Jordan


PC 190 Heavy metals removal from anaerobically digested sludge by Fenton process and phosphorus immobilization,
A. Ito, Iwate University, Japan


PC 258 Industrial Applications of Advanced Oxidation Technology,
M. Sörensen, a.c.k. aquaconcept GmbH, Germany




PC 22 MT BE-Degradation by hydrodynamic induced cavitation,
A., Schmid, Papiertechnische Stiftung, Germany


PC 32 A comparison of ultrasound based AOPs for the removal of X-ray contrast media,
N. J. D. Graham, Imperial College, University of London, United Kingdom


PC 53 Removal of EDCs from WWTP effluents by means of advanced oxidation,
R. Pedrazzani, Universita’ di Brescia, Italy


PC 69 Degradation of Bisphenol A using UV- and UV/H2O2-processes,
E. Felis, Technical University of Lodz, Poland


PC 101 Removal of Radiocobalt from EDTA-Complexes using oxidation and selective ion exchange,
L. Malinen, University of Helsinki, Finland


PC 108 Degradation of pharmaceuticals in water by visible light photocatalysis,
J. Hartmann, University of Applied Science Magdeburg-Stendal (FH), Germany


PC 112 Photodegradation of glyphosate in water by UV/H2O2 process,
C. Zalazar, INTEC (UNL-CONICET), Argentina


PC 137 Occurrence and Removal of PPCPs and EDCs in the Detroit River Watershed,
S. Tabe, Ministry of the Environment, Canada


PC 141 Effect of advanced oxidation processes on Nonylphenol removal with respect to conventional disinfection,
R. Mosteo, University of Zaragoza, Spain


PC 147 Advanced Oxidation Processes for the Elimination of Drugs Resisting Biological Membrane Treatment,
H. F. Schröder, RWTH Aachen University, Germany


PC 153 Degradation of sulfamethoxazole and chlortetracycline using UV, Ozone and Electron beam,
T. H. Kim, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, South Korea


PC 165 Efficiency, costs and benefits of AOPs for removal of pharmaceuticals from the water cycle,
J. Türk, Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik e.V. (IUTA), Germany


PC 210 Experience with an Ozonation Pilot Plant for further Treatment of Municipal Wastewater,
H. Schaar, TU Wien, Austria


PC 217 Reduction of biocide-polluted wastewater by oxidation processes O3 and H2O2/O3,
M. Poberznik, Messer Slovenija, d.o.o., Slovenia


PC 224 Ozone applied to treatment and disinfection of hospital effluent,
I. C. Telles Silveira, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul- PUCRS, Brazil


PC 228 Comparison between Several AOPs and Wet Oxidation Technologies for the Removal of Industrial Antibiotics,
M. A. Ollino, Universidad Santa María, Chile


PC 230 Decomposition and Detoxification of Antibiotics by Ionizing Radiation,
S. Yu, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, South Korea


PC 235 Enhancement of carboxylic acids degradation with Sulfate Radical Generated by persulfate activation,
J. Criquet, Université de Poitiers, France


PC 243 Degradation of Sulfamethoxazole in Wastewater Using Ozonation,
V. Yargeau, McGill University, Canada


PC 252 Fate of Triclocarban during Soil Aquifer Treatment,
H. M. K., Essandoh, University of Bradford, United Kingdom


PC 253 Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Degradation of the Antiseptic Triclocarban,
H. M. K. Essandoh, University of Bradford, United Kingdom


PC 260 Oxidation of sulfamethoxazole by UVA radiation and modified Fenton process and the assessment of toxicity and biodegradability of by-products,
J. Surmacz-Górska, Silesian University of Technology, Poland


PC 265 Innovative oxidation techniques for elimination of active substances from pharmaceutical production,
J. Zelenka, VTU Technology GmbH, Austria


PC 269 Modeling the degradation kinetics of phenylurea herbicide-linuron by UV/O3,
Y. F. Rao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China


PC 275 Elimination of pharmaceuticals from treated wastewater by uv-oxidation,
M. Röhricht, University of Applied Sciences Giessen, Germany

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